Trumbull House – Summer, 1923

Trumbull House - summer, 1923

Trumbull House, Summer, 1923

To the left, you can see the original porch which was removed in 1950 during renovations to make the original house and the addition into separate apartments.. To the right of the porch, you can see the screened porch, where many family members and guests slept during the summer months.  The whole section on the left with the porch was the original structure, built in 1756.

If you remember the story of Dave kicking out a window and cutting his foot,  in a peak of anger, the children were all in the summer porch.

The domed window in  the center became a side door (or the front door) to the larger apartment during the renovations. This is the section that my family lived in from about 1949 until 1964.

Trumbull House - Living Room Door - Christmas, 1947

This is the domed window, which became a door, in 1950.  This is a picture of Marian feeding my brother and me before Christmas Dinner in 1947.

APG - Lad Guion in Choir Robe

Alfred Peabody Guion, known as Lad, (my Dad)), standing at the beginning of the path leading to the side door,

The attic window in the middle of the picture was the bedroom I shared with my younger sister. the domed window on the first floor was removed and the opening made into a door with a small porch roof.

The addition all the way to the right was the apartment rented to several family members but the family that is mentioned in my posts were Paul Warder, his wife Katherine (Kit) and their two children.  When I was growing up, Grandpa lived in the apartment.

Tomorrow and for the whole week, I will be posting letters written 

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