Elizabeth Westlin (Guion) Zabel Photo Album – 1919 – 2003

Mary Ellum Wilson’s photo Album has inspired me to create a Photo Album for Grandpa, Grandma,  and their six children and their spouses. I will be posting them for the next seven weekends. I will also endeavor to get more pictures from family members of those individuals with only a few pictures.

Elizabeth Westlin Guion (Bissie), circa 1922

Bissie, at 5, with her broken arm

Bissie at about 8

Bissie, probably about 9

Bissie with Mack, probably about 12 or 13

Bissie with Art Mantle (left) and Lad, probably about 16

Biss in 1938

Bissie’s Wedding Announcement in 1939

Bissie and Raymond Zabel, Jr. (Butch), summer of 1940

Elizabeth Westlin (Guion) Zabel, circa 1949

Bissie and family, 1955

Marty, Grandpa with Arla in front, Elizabeth, Raymond (Zeke) and Butch

Tomorrow, the Raymond Zabel Photo Album.

Judy Guion

Trumbull – My Dear Sons (1) – Presents From Alaska – January 5, 1941

Trumbull, Conn. January 5, 1941     R-109

My dear sons:

The first letter to my absent ones in what will undoubtedly prove to be a momentous new year from a world history making standpoint.  And here I sit on this Sunday afternoon as dusk settles down on old Trumbull. You can easily visualize the scene. Seated in the familiar old alcove with the wind howling outside (a cold wave said to be from Alaska has just hit us) a cheery fire blazing on the hearth sending out a welcome heat from logs hewn by my stalwart lads. I am alone. Dick and Dave and Mack and Red (Don Sirene) and Jean Hughes, both members of “The Gang” who came to the Trumbull House often) are out ”for a walk”.

Ced and car - 1940 (3)-head shot

Cedric Duryee Guion

On my feet are two Indian moccasins that arrived this week from Alaska, all decorated with beaded flowers and fur trimming. They make one of my extremities seem bright at least. And that leads me to the Alaskan Christmas shipment. It came New Year’s Eve and it was a bit difficult restraining the young ones from opening it while I was getting supper, but the meal over, (I have an idea Dick hurried through it so that he could be the first one through) , Dick opened the box and pulled out  package after package in seemingly endless duration. We put the others aside and opened our own amid Aahs and Oohs. I was particularly delighted with mine. For years I have been wearing a silk one that Mother gave me years ago. I sent it to the cleaners the other day and it’s absence, I thought seriously of getting me another. But I didn’t and when this one arrived I put it into use at once. It is lovely and soft, just the right length, and I like the colors. It is really the first good-quality wool scarf I ever remember owning.

As to the moccasins, the one thing I put down to get myself as a Christmas gift was a pair of house slippers as the pair I had were all out of shape at the heels. I have been looking around in an effort to decide what style I most preferred and had not made up my mind when the Alaskan beaded slippers arrived. I not only need them and enjoy wearing them but I proudly exhibit them to all those who call (Ethel (Bushey, a member of “The Gang”) was just in to see me about getting wedding invitations and of course I showed them to her). She mentioned having received a letter from Lad suggesting that she defer her marriage date from February 22 to sometime in June so that he could be present. They still have not found a place to live. Carl (Wayne, a good friend of Lad’s) saw Warden (Paul Warden, renting the apartment in the Trumbull House) — the fellow who is now in the apartment– the other day and in a very serious manner asked him if he had any trouble with the roof leaking or was annoyed by strange noises, that when he replied in a surprised tone in the negative, Carl said, “Hmm, That’s funny”. Warden, Ethel says, was quite serious and you know Carl’s manner of being quite serious. Carl says Warden came over there for kerosene for his stove and only by the strongest exertion of will power had Carl refrained from putting water in the kerosene, all with the idea that the Warden’s might get discouraged and leave.

Biss and Butch (Raymond Jr.) - 1940 (2)

Elizabeth Westlin (Guion) Zabel and her son, Raymond Jr., (Butch), summer of 1940

Well, to go on with our “second Christmas” story. New Year’s Day we decided to pack the other gifts in the car and make personal deliveries. Our first call was to the Zabel’s. (Elizabeth, Grandma and Grandpa’s only daughter, married Raymond Zabel and they have a son, Raymond, Jr., also known as Butch. She is expecting their second child soon) Butch was asleep so he could not try on his cute little moccasins. Elizabeth’s birthday present, we told her, must not be opened until the sixth. Again to digress for a bit. One day last weekend Zeke stopped in all worried and somewhat pale and said they had just taken Biss to the hospital as her labor pains had started during the night, apparently some weeks before the proper time, and he would let me know as soon as anything definite in the way of news was known. A few days later, however, Elizabeth was home again, it having been a false alarm. As far as I know she is still home.

Tomorrow I will post the second page of this letter telling about their trip to New Rochelle, New York, to visit with the Peabodys.

Judy Guion

Trumbull – Dear Caric – Biss Writes To Ced In Anchorage, Alaska – September And October, 1944

Blog - Biss in yard - 1949

Elizabeth Westlin (Guion) Zabel

Sunday Night,

9:39 P.M.


Dear Caric, (maybe a typo or a nickname I never heard)

You can thank Butch for this unexpected letter from me. You see he and Marty were having an argument the other day over who was going to wear a pair of slippers that Butch received from one of you boys up there in Alaska about two winters ago and I told Butch that they fit Marty so let him have them as he had no other pair and Butch did have an extra pair. Well, Butch let Marty have the slippers, but very grudgingly, and he told me to go down town and buy him another pair just like those so I had to explain to him that I could not buy another pair like that as they had come from Alaska and they did not sell slippers like that around here so he told me to write to Ced—-right now, mother! I told him I would write to you and see if you could get another pair for him so can you? Here is a description of the slippers if you can find another pair similar to the ones here. They have three “A” markings on the front in colored beads. It seems to me that there were some other beads on it too but I wouldn’t be sure now. He wears a size 12 children’s shoe if you do happen to find a pair.

I have to stop now, just as I am getting started, as Zeke wants to get to bed early tonight and I have to take a bath. We have all been sick this week so that is the urgent reason for getting an early start to bed but I will tell you more about that tomorrow when I continue this letter to you. Good night for now from me and Zeke too.

Sunday Night,

9:23 P.M.


Well, here I am again! I put down the ”9“ and then looked around at the calendar to see what day it was only to find that another month had crept up on me unawares. I think I will send Dave a note tonight too to wish him a happy birthday.

I suppose Dad has told you by now that Bob Peterson died this past week from a Tumor of the brain. It was a surprise to us here as we hadn’t even heard he was sick. Dad probably mentioned how long he was sick.

Zeke and I started bowling this last week and I am proud to state that I had the honor of bowling high score for the night with a score of 126. We bowl with the Singer dept. (Singer Sewing Machine, Co. in Bridgeport,  https://www.singersewinginfo.co.uk/bridgeport that Zeke works in. Johnny and Dot Heigelmann bowl with us. They give a prize for high score for women at the end of the season and if the scores had counted that night I probably would have had a good chance to win it right then and there.

Did Dad tell you that Aunt Betty fell last week and hurt her knee? I guess she had one of her dizzy spells as she didn’t trip on anything but just fell. I greatly doubt that she will last the winter out as I can see her failing more and more every time she comes down here for a visit, I believe she is losing weight too. We were talking about Christmas today and trying to find out what the different people wanted and Aunt Betty said she thought having somebody else do the cooking would be the best Christmas she ever had in her life. I felt awfully sorry for her at the time and thought what a shame it was that she had to do all the cooking.

Well, Zeke wants to go to bed early again and is almost finished with his bath so I had better cut this short if I want to get that birthday note written to Dave tonight.



P.S. The rest send their love too.

Tomorrow, a quick note from Marian to Grandpa, then another letter from Grandpa to his boys (and Marian). 

Judy Guion

Family – A Letter From Bissie To Ced – Lots Of Local News – July 10, 1943

Elizabeth (Biss) Guion Zabel

This is a detail of the monogram in the corner of Bissie’s writing paper.

The internal white area is actually cut out. (How fancy is this?)

9:39 P.M.


Dear Ced: –

          I wrote to you just one week and one day ago at 11:55 P.M. while Barby (Barbara Plumb) was taking a bath and setting her hair. I wrote it on paper from a pad which I keep on top of the radio. Everything went along fine until I folded it to put in an envelope at which time it cracked and fell apart in my hands. Sooo, this time I am doing everything Emily Post style in pen and on the proper paper. I told you of Ethel’s baby which was news at the time but no longer is.

          Zeke went up to Kenotia fishing last weekend so Dot M. (Mackenzie)  and Lois H. (Henaghan) came down to spend the night (Sat.) with me. We had a grand time and Sun. morning I picked up Aunt Elsie (Elsie May Guion, Grandpa’s sister) at the station and went to Dad’s for dinner. Aunt Dorothy (Peabody) was there too. Grandma (Grandma Peabody, Grandpa’s Mother-in-Law) hasn’t been feeling very well this past week so Aunt  Dee (Aunt Dorothy) came up again this weekend. Barby has joined the Waacs or Wacs – whichever spelling you prefer altho’ Wacs is the proper spelling now – and expects to leave at the end of this month. Edna and Frank Heigelmann had a baby boy and so did Johnny and Dot H. (Heigelmann). Bill Henaghan and his wife expect to have their third child at the end of this month also. I guess it’s my turn now. Helen S. And Bill are expecting one next January. Anna Rakowski ( one of the younger girls) died this morning. Barby saw Dick Christie and they had their “first wedding anniversary” last Sunday. Donald Whitney’s wife had to come home – either here or to her own home – because all of the service wives had to leave. I told Barby I wish you would come home and marry her because I had my heart set on her being my sister and Dan – damn him – put the kibosh on it. Maybe I’ll get her to marry Irv (Irvin Zabel, Zeke’s brother) – Heaven forbid. When she read that she said I sounded very insulting.  It would appear that this is when Dan and Barbara broke of their relationship)

          Someday I’ll sit down and write you a whole letter about the children and their antics. I am listening to Scheherazade on the radio while I am writing this so if I am incoherent in spots, it is because I get to interested in the story – it is pretty good. I called up Barby to let her know it was on because she likes the story and the musical background  very much. Zeke is going fishing with Frank tonight and they have just come in from catching nightcrawlers – you know big worms – they are talking too, so I’m really getting into a muddle. Now to get down to business – the birthdays are as follows: Marty – Jan. 25th; Zeke is May 12th; Butch is October 20th; Biss is Jan. 6th; and Ced is June 1st. – is that enough birthdays  for you or should I continue?

          Dave (Guion, youngest of Grandpa and Grandma’s six children) has an infection in his leg and Dr. Z. doesn’t know what or why it is but he told Dave to keep his leg in the air – it is improving so I guess it wasn’t anything serious. I am finishing your letter at the same time the story is finishing. How is the food situation up there? Is it as bad as down here? You made us all homesick for old times when you mentioned driving  for a picnic – our battery is going sour from lack of use – speaking of tires – we need one too – but so far have been unsuccessful because our tire has to be vulcanized and Zeke says it is too expensive so they won’t give him the other tire he needs until that one is done. No more room so good-bye for now. Love, Biss

P.S. I hope you will write even tho’ I didn’t as often as I should. I got the bracelet and show it off every once in a while.  Biss

On Saturday and Sunday, I’ll continue with more of the Venezuelan Adventure – Daniel Beck Guion – Venezuelan Letters.

Judy Guion

Trumbull – Dear Ced (2) – Local News That’s Fit To Print – August 24, 1940

BISS - Family with Zeke holding Butch

The family after Raymond Zabel Jr., Baptism, a few months berfore Dan and Ced left for Anchorage, Alaska.

Left to Right: Alfred Duryee Guion (Grandpa), Richard Peasbody (partially Hidden), Cedric Duryee, Elizabeth Westlin (Guion) Zabel, David Peabody, Raymond Zabel, Sr. holding “Butch”, Daniel Beck. Lad was the only one missing.

Eleanor Kurtz (daughter in the Kurtz family who own the local Grocery Store) is getting married next month. Butch is sleeping soundly at present but with all the noise Zeke is making I don’t know how long he will stay that way. We’ve been having a card tournament lately – just playing rummy – and so far I am champ – not to sound as if I am bragging or anything like that. Today Dick (Guion, her next younger brother and playmate as children) went downtown with me and we bumped into Donald W (Whitney, a neighbor a ways up the street) on the corner of Main and Fairfield. He said he had called up the house and they told him Dick had gone to town. He figured more people passed the corner there than any other place so he stationed himself and began to watch for us. He had just about given up hope when along we came. He bummed a ride home with us. You know he has a car now. It isn’t in running condition as yet. He hopes to get a license next week. I don’t know what make it is. Charlie Hall (a closer neighbor and one of The Gang” that spent a lot of time at the Trumbull House and about Dick’s age) has a new one to – I believe it is a 35 or 36 Ford. Dick has hopes of buying one like it. – Did I hear some remarks from you? Art Mantle (another neighbor and friend of Lad’s) get’s out this week or next – I don’t know whether or not he expects to reenlist – maybe you know? Irv (Zeke’s brother) cracked up again. It cost him $25 this time and I guess his license was taken away because he was arrested for reckless driving by Nat Heywood. Zeke wants to know if you have saved any money as yet. Well space is getting short so I had better close before I get squeezed in.



P.S. – Butch say’s Da-da-day – Translate as you please.    B (Biss)

Tomorrow, a letter from Grandpa and on Thursday, another letter from Grandpas to Ced, written on the same day. On Friday, a letter from Dan to Grandpa at home in Trumbull.

Judy Guion

Trumbull – Dear Ced (1) – Biss Writes To Her Older Brother – August 24, 1940

This week I will be sharing letters written in August of 1940. This is the letter Elizabeth (Biss) writes to Ced in Alaska. Biss has been married to Raymond Zabel and she writes to Ced about their first son, Raymond Zabel, Jr. 

EWGZ - Bissie and Raymond Jr. (Butch) at baptism - June, 1940

Elizabeth Westlin (Guion) Zabel and Raymond Zabel, Jr. (Butch)

8:05 PM


Sat. Eve.

Dear Ced —

I just finished reading your letter and decided to answer immediately as Zeke was not home – so Zeke just walked in. He went fishing last night for the weekend but the fish weren’t biting so he came home this afternoon instead of staying over.

Blog - Arnold and Alta Gibson's wedding, 1939 (2) cropped

Arnold Gibson and Alta Pratt on their wedding day

Arnold Gibson, Nomad and trailer, before honeymoon, Sept.1, 1940

Arnold and Alta (Arnold Gibson, Lad’s best friend, and his girlfriend, Alta Pratt) are getting married September first at Alta’s house and then they’re going on a three weeks vacation or honeymoon up the line to Canada etc. Of course they are taking the trailer along with them.

Butch (nearing his 1st birthday) considers himself too smart for school and is starting one of his own instead. He is teaching “How to bring up parents” but so far he found his class below par. As far as hunting and fishing are concerned he is waiting until he is able to join you to see Alaska’s sports for himself – he’s from Missouri. I reserve my comments as to Butch’s rival myself for the words aren’t fit to print. I still am not sure – but I have my doubts and fears. Zeke says, “It all depends upon who’s fishing whether or not there is sport in those fish”.

Aunt Anne ((Peabody) Stanley) has not showed up as yet for she tripped on something and broke a bone in her foot. She is coming Wednesday and Gwen (her daughter) is going to drive for Aunt Anne can’t as yet. Aunt Betty (lizzie Duryee, Grandpa’s mother’s sister) is visiting us for a few weeks. Grandma (Peabody), Grandma Arla’s mother), Aunt Helen ((Peabody) Human, Mrs. Ted Human), Aunt Dorothy (Peabody) and Uncle Lawrence (Peabody), one of Grandma Arla’s three brothers) were up a week ago to get Aunt Helen’s trunks straightened out and shipped to New York. It is practically winter here although it is only August. Dave went up to Pomperaug or someplace or another. The police have been reinstated just as they were before.

Tomorrow I will post the rest of this letter filled with local news.  On Wednesday and Thursday, two letters written on the same day, one to Lad and one to Ced. On Friday, a letter from Dan to his Dad in Trumbull.

Judy Guion

Family – Biss Writes To Lad in Venezuela – News About Bobo and Trumbull Friends – July 4, 1940

I have moved back to 1940. At this point in time, Lad is in Venezuela and Dan and Ced have driven (and sailed) up to Anchorage, Alaska, in search of well-paying jobs. Grandpa has been speculating on exactly where they are along the route but has not heard from them yet.

Biss and Butch, 1940

Elizabeth Westlin (Guion) Zabel (Biss) and Raymond Zabel Jr. (Bobo)

12:29 A.M.


Dear Alfred –

I fooled you and answered within a comparatively short time – for me – Zeke has gone fishing for the night in a steady rain – at least it is raining here. How old do you want me to be before I marry? – 99 years old? Just because you are an old, old man and single doesn’t mean that I want to follow in your footsteps – but I agree with you I guess because Zeke says I am just a kid and he shouldn’t have married me.

Bobo (Butch, Raymond Zabel, Jr. 9 months old) is at that very pesky stage where he is in everything that he shouldn’t be. He doesn’t look like you anymore. His hair looks like Ced’s used to, but aside from that, he doesn’t look like anybody anymore – or maybe I should say everybody. We took some snapshots of him and the rest of us which Dad will send down to you one of these days when he gets some reprints. Lois H. (Hennigan) has the negatives, that is why you haven’t gotten any sooner. As far as Babe (Cecelia Mullins, Lad’s girlfriend)  is concerned – I haven’t seen her since I wrote to you. We never did get along any too well anyway because I didn’t like the way she always used people without even considering how they may feel.

John Goulash has finished his internship – he was my doctor, you know, when I had Bobo.

Ervin (Zabel, Zeke’s brother) is a special policemen on the Merritt Parkway for 6 (or 8 – I don’t remember which) weeks. If he is appointed to fill in for the vacations of the others then he will be considered a regular police on call at any time. He has to work 12 hours or more a day but he is looking a good deal better in spite of the hours. He has gotten very tan instead of that sickly white he always used to have.

Nell (Nelson Sperling) up and left town again just like that. He has joined the artillery section of the Army. He wouldn’t join the Navy because he hates the water.

Dad took Dick and Dave to New York yesterday to see ”Hellzapoppin’”. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2x3SKXh79Xo

Well I had better stop because it is late (or early) and I want to write to Jane (Jane Claude-Mantle). Do you ever write to her? I wish you would if you don’t, because Trumbull more or less slights her and it hurts her quite a bit. There isn’t much for her here anymore when she comes home for vacations because no one asks her to go anyplace and personally, I think it’s pretty mean of those people who used to be so nice to her. It isn’t her fault because she is just as nice, if not nicer than she used to be – but Barbara never did like her and Jean grew to dislike her when she started to go with Barbara. So of course the fellows had to drop her to. No more space.



Tomorrow and Wednesday, a letter from Grandpa to his three sons away from home and on Thursday and Friday, the first letter from Dan (and Ced) who have arrived at Anchorage, Alaska.

Judy Guion

Early Years – Memories of Elizabeth Westlin (Guion) Zabel (10) – 1922 – 1964

After my Uncle Dan (Daniel Beck Guion) passed away in 1997, I realized that first-hand accounts of this particular “Slice of Life” would only continue to diminish over time. I needed to record the memories of my Aunt Biss and her brothers and share them with the family. This culminated in the idea of a Blog so that I could share these memories with anyone who would be interested in the personal histories of some members of The Greatest Generation.

Over a period of several years, whenever possible, I recorded the memories of my Dad and his siblings. 

These are the memories of Elizabeth Westlin (Guion) Zabel, Grandma and Grandpa’s fourth child and only daughter.

Biss - 1938

Elizabeth Westlin Guion

I guess Lad taught me how to drive.  When Lad was twelve or fourteen, I don’t remember when, he and Ced and Dan and Dad went for a walk.  Dad’s eye got cut with a blade of grass or something.  So Lad drove him to the hospital, even though he was under the age, too.  Of course, Dad couldn’t drive because he couldn’t see.  So Lad drove him to the hospital and back after they took care of him.

Lad’s memory of this event is slightly different:

When I was eight, Dad took Dan Ced and I, possibly Biss, for a walk up behind our property, past the cemetery.  There was a slightly sloped hill on the lot, and all of us were rolling down the hill, including Dad.  When he got up he said there was something wrong with his eyes, some dirt or something, so we went home.  His eye got worse and more bloodshot and it began to hurt more so Mother told him he should go see the doctor.  He was reluctant but finally consented.  I asked him if I could go and he said yes.  When he got to the doctors, the doctor told him that a piece of stubble had apparently pierced his eye.  He sewed it up and when dad came out he could only see out of one eye, and that was blurred and watery.  He asked me if I would steer the car for him.  So I sat on his lap and steered the car, told him when to put on the brakes.  He did the shifting and used the clutch, but from that time on, I was very interested in driving.  I was only eight.

(I doubt Lad could have sat on Grandpa’s lap if he was twelve or fourteen. If Lad was eight, Biss would have been four or five, depending on the time of the year.)

We had an old Franklin Touring car, I fell out of the back seat of that one.  We had a Durrant and a Dodge.  I’m not sure if the Durrant was Lad’s car later or what.  I can remember a Durrant, I think it was a family car, and then, of course, we had the Packard.  Lad was looking through it and discovered a hidden bottom; it must have been a Rum Runner’s car back in the prohibition days.  The Packard was by far the best. (I think they actually had 3 Packards). Of course, none of them had windows like they have today.  You had to snap on the side curtains, you know, if it rained or something.

I started driving when I was twelve years old.  We had that lot in back of the house that Dan bought.  Well, that was mowed down, in other words, it was a lot at the time, and we had a racetrack around it.  So I started out with a Model-T Ford, and then there was an Oldsmobile truck, so I got that.

I can remember one day, I had a flat tire.  Axel Larsson was the gardener at that time because mother was already sick so she had to have somebody to take care of us kids.  Astrid and Axle and their daughter Florence moved into the cottage, the Little House.  Astrid was the housekeeper and Axle was the gardener.  He was the one who did all the stone work around the house; he built the fireplace and did the stones lining the driveway.  Anyway, the tire was flat on the truck and I was looking for a jack or something to jack it up with so I could change the tire.  Axel said, “What seems to be the problem here?”  I said, “I’m looking for something to jack it up with.”  So he said, “Well, get that concrete block over there and when I lift the truck, you just slide it under.”  So, he did.  He lifted the back of the truck up and I slid it under.  He was a blacksmith, and he used the hammers all the time so he was really burly up on top, even though he was kind of short.  When we moved to Stratford, (After I was married and had my sons) his Blacksmith’s Shop was about two blocks away. I used to take the boys down there so we could watch Axel at work.  But anyway, he fixed the flat and then I drove around the track.  There is where I learned to drive, in the backyard.  Of course, traffic wasn’t heavy like it is today.

When Dad bought the island from the Heurlin’s, (in 1945) I was married and had two children.  I tried to talk Zeke (Raymond Zabel) into going up there.  He wanted no part of it, he wasn’t interested.  I figured it would be good for the kids, it would be a vacation and it wouldn’t cost much more than food and supplies.  Zeke wouldn’t go.  After five or six years, I finally convinced him to try it.  Then I could never keep him away.  Now, if only I could have gotten him to try traveling once.  I’m sure it would have been the same way.  Then I would have had my dream of traveling all over.  I got the van, the mattress, the gas lantern and the gas stove, and then we never went anywhere, no matter what I’d say.  I figured when we retired, we would just start out with no particular destination; he could bring his guns and his fishing gear.  Anyplace we found a spot, if we liked it, we could spend two or three days there; if we didn’t like it, we could go to another place.

Dad was very determined to beat the Stock Market because it had done him in.  He was out for revenge.  He’d sit up there in his bedroom and follow the charts.(He had a Ticker Tape Machine in his bedroom)  He did a lot of investing on margin.  He had an estate worth over $100,000 (in 1964, worth $1,006,790.90 today) when he died, only ten years after he got out of debt.

Next weekend, I will post the Memories of Richard Peabody Guion.

Tomorrow, I will begin posting letters written in July of 1940, including the first letter from Dan (and Ced) from the Anchorage Hotel in Anchorage, Alaska.

Judy Guion

Early Years – Memories of Elizabeth Westlin (Guion) Zabel (8) – 1922 – 1964

After my Uncle Dan (Daniel Beck Guion) passed away in 1997, I realized that first-hand accounts of this particular “Slice of Life” would only continue to diminish over time. I needed to record the memories of my Aunt Biss and her brothers and share them with the family. This culminated in the idea of a Blog so that I could share these memories with anyone who would be interested in the personal histories of some members of The Greatest Generation.

Over a period of several years, whenever possible, I recorded the memories of my Dad and his siblings. 

These are the memories of Elizabeth Westlin (Guion) Zabel, Grandma and Grandpa’s fourth child and only daughter.

Blog - Trumbull House - 1960's (2) - cropped

       The Old Homestead – The window in the center portion of the house is the window of the attic. In the lower right hand corner is the Little Driveway that Biss and Vinny went down.

Lad was living in the attic and used an oil stove for heat.  He lit the stove and then came downstairs to light the oil stove in the kitchen.  I was sitting out in the backyard with my boyfriend.  Lad noticed that the lights began to flicker, go up and down, so he dashed upstairs and when he opened the attic door, all he could see was an orange glow.  He knew the place was on fire so he ran down and called the fire department.  I heard the siren and said to Vinny, “Let’s go to the fire.”  As we drove down the little driveway, I could see a haze of smoke between Laufer’s house (across the street) and ours, sort of drifting across, but I didn’t think too much about it.

We parked in the driveway near the firehouse so no matter which way the truck went, we could follow it.  It turned right onto White Plains Road and I said, “If that fire truck turns at Kurtz’s Corner, then it’s my house.”  So, by the time we got to Kurtz’s Corner, the fire truck was going up the driveway.  I said, “I knew it, I knew it.”

When we got to the house, I dashed inside and got Vinny’s picture, Mother’s picture and a clock that Vinny had given me.  I had everything I needed, so the rest of the house could burn down.  I didn’t care.

Now Dad was giving a talk at the Algonquin Club (in Bridgeport) so I decided I had better call Dad and let him know that he had better not come home tonight because he might not have a house to come home to!  I called and the operator said, “He’s giving a talk right now.  Is it important?”  I said, “Yeah, I think so.”  Dad came to the phone and said, “What did you call me for?  I was in the middle of a talk.  It had better be important.”  I said, “I just wanted to tell you that the house is on fire and you’d better stay in a hotel down there tonight.”  You know, perfectly calm, as if there was nothing to it.  Of course, within twenty minutes, Dad came up the driveway.

In the meantime, Ethel Bushey had come and she asked me if I had gotten my clothes.  “Clothes?”  I asked.  “No, what for?”  She said, “At least you’ll have something to wear.”  So she made me go upstairs and get my clothes.  I put them on the lawn.  After the fire was out I was furious that I had to put them all back.  I was furious because I didn’t give a hoot about my clothes.  I had what I needed.  There was a lot of water damage but the only part that burned was up in the attic itself.  If it had started in the cellar, I’m sure it would’ve gone up fast because it was such an old, dry house. (The house was built in 1756)

I will continue with more of the Early Years and Memories of Elizabeth Westlin (Guion) Zabel next weekend.

Tomorrow, I will start a week of letters written in 1944. All five of Grandpa’s boys are in the service of Uncle Sam.

Judy Guion

Early Years – Memories Of Elizabeth Westlin (Guion) Zabel (7) – 1922 – 1964

After my Uncle Dan (Daniel Beck Guion) passed away in 1997, I realized that first-hand accounts of this particular “Slice of Life” would only continue to diminish over time. I needed to record the memories of my Aunt Biss and her brothers and share them with the family. This culminated in the idea of a Blog so that I could share these memories with anyone who would be interested in the personal histories of some members of The Greatest Generation.

Over a period of several years, whenever possible, I recorded the memories of my Dad and his siblings. 

These are the memories of Elizabeth Westlin (Guion) Zabel, Grandma and Grandpa’s fourth child and only daughter.

Art Mantle, Biss and Lad Guion, with Model T - 1932

Art Mantle, Elizabeth Westlin Guion, Alfred Peabody Guion (Lad)

When I was twelve or thirteen, Mother sent me to Kurtz’s Store to get some groceries.  We had always charged it, so when I got to the counter I said, “Put it on our charge.”  He said, “Go home and tell your mother and her father that we can no longer carry them on the charge.  They will have to pay cash from now on.”  I felt like I wanted the earth to open up and swallow me.  I know it took Dad from then until 1954 before he could get out of debt and put a gravestone at Mother’s grave.

I started at Central High School in 1932, so it was the day after we got out of school that mother died, (June 29, 1933) freshman year.

Mother died when I was fourteen, and I hated school.  I’d hide in the closet and every morning Dad would make the rounds to make sure everybody was up and had gone to school.  I’d hide in the closet and then after he had passed through, then I’d come out.  I had the whole day to myself.  I think I missed more school than I made.  Now Dad made a mistake because I needed a permission slip to go back to school.  He was supposed to tell why I stayed home.  He said it was none of their business.  “You write it and I’ll sign it.”  So I’d write, “I stayed home with my father’s permission.”  Then he would sign his name.  So I just copied his name over and over until I got it down pat.  Then I’d just write the things and sign his name.  I’d go to school only when I felt like going to school.  How I got through school, I’ll never know.

I went to Central High School in Bridgeport my freshman year.  That was great.  I loved that school because they treated you like an adult, you were a grown-up, and you felt like you were really something.  Then the following year, they transferred us to Bassick High School, because they were going to make that (Central) into a Senior High and it was a Junior High at the time.  I hated that school (Basssick) intensely, because they still had monitors in the hall, you had to walk in a line and you couldn’t talk.  I mean, after being an adult in High School, I got this?

In my sophomore year, we were transferred to Bassick High School and I didn’t want to go because it was a new school and I didn’t like school anyway.  I liked Central and I wanted to go back there.  So, the first day of school, Dad wanted to know and I said “No, I don’t have to go to school today because were starting a new school.”  He said, “You are going to school”, so he took me.  He took Ced and I, he took us to school.  I told him my clothes weren’t ready and any other kind of excuse, but he was adamant that we were going to school.  So he left us off in front of Central, maybe I had told him I had to go to central to get transferred, anyway, he let us out in front of Central and we walked through the hall and out the other side, and walked home.  We were walking up the railroad tracks and we met some friends on Reservoir Avenue and they told us that Ruth Moy had just died.  She was a pretty girl and she had a pimple on her chin.  She put something on it to cover it up, she got blood poisoning and it killed her; so much for vanity.  So anyway, we were walking up the tracks and a train came along.  The engineer stopped and said, “Would you like a ride?”  We said, “Sure.”  We climbed up into the cab and he let us off at Church Hill Road.  Boy.  That was exciting for me.  I told everybody about it.

Tomorrow, I will continue with more of the Early Years and Memories of Elizabeth Westlin (Guion) Zabel.

Judy Guion