Friends – A Chandler Chorus Valentine Message To Ced (2) – The Card – February 14, 1941

CDG - Valentine letter from Chandler Chorus - Feb., 1941 - page 1

February 11, 1941

Dear Cedric

We were all so pleased to hear from you and to hear you are with a choral group up there. Your prograam of Christmas Contatas was most interesting and wish we might have heard it.

We are also happy to note your heart is still with us and we are looking forward to the time when you

CDG - Valentine letter from the Chandler Chorus - Feb., 1941 - page 2

both will be with us again.

We are singing at Monroe Sunday, Feb. 16, for P.T.A. Founder’s Day.

We need a few more tenors and bass before we can hope to make a Hollywood contract.

I am asking the members to add a line or two so for now our best wishes to you both.

Sincerely, Violetta H. Miller


1329 Huntington Turnpike, Bpt.


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Glad to hear you expect to spend each Christmas in Trumbull – will look for you.

A.E.H. (Arthur E. Hughes)


Hello Cedric

It seems a long time since we heard your voice, would like to drop in on you some time.

Belle Traphagen


Wish you and Dan could be with us to sing in Monroe Sun day asfternoon. We miss you, and I am expecting to see you by next Christmas.

Mrs. Hughes



Sure wish you were with us again – The Chorus misses it’s most cherished tenor – or was it bass ?



Hello Ced Hurry back, we need a good tenor.

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Well boys, I sort of envy you in a country different from ours. I suppose it does seem far away, and we miss you in the chorus. As we are going ti sing Sun day we will all be thinking of you.

Ruth Lindsley


Gee Ced. I’m so sorry I wasn’t born a boy because I would do just as you boys are doing now.

By, Lou (for boy)

Louise for girl


Look out for Brown Bears. 

Geo. Reichardt


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Dear Ced

Here we are singing “My Task” and here’s me breathing in all the wrong places but grateful to be able to breath at all.

as ever, Bess H.


We are learning what double T and dim., cresc. etc means.         ?.L.


We will be glad to have you back with us again.

Sincerely, Mrs. Thornton


You boys must be having a wonderful experience. So nice to read your letter and know something of what you are doing.

Best regards,

M. Lindsley

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Happy Valentine’s Day !! I guess I’m late again in sending greetings, but ……… I’m sincere.

As ever,

Jean (Hughes)


Hi Bud, This is the closest I’ve come to answering that nice letter on that nice stationery. The Fur Rendezvous must be loads of fun. Dan sent me a clipping about it – Jean says “That’s enough”! I’ll really write you soon. Honest! I’ve owed you one since about October – 

Barbie (Linsley)


Liked your letter so much. Got quite puffed up over your reference to me. We miss you boys like nobody’s business. Our very best to you and lots of luck. – 

Lora B. (Brewster)


Anchored to Anchorage? Trumbull is a good town, too.

Helen Searles

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