Lad and Marian Guion’s Christmas Cards Throughout the Years – 1945

When Valerie, one of my followers, commented on how much she liked the old Christmas cards in a recent post, it led me on a trip down Memory Lane. I was reminded of the photo Christmas cards that were so popular during the 1940’s, 1950’s and 1960’s. I will be posting the Christmas Cards Marian and Lad sent out each year as their children grew up. Some of you will recognize this type of card, they may be unfamiliar to others. Enjoy them each day for the rest of the month.

APG - 1945 Christmas card picture # 1

APG - 1945 Christmas card picture # 2

APG - 1945 Christmas card picture choice

Lad and Marian Guion, 1943

This is the picture they chose. My Mother made each card by hand, framing the picture on the front with a hand-written note to each recipient inside.

APG - 1945 Christmas card to Ced

This card was mailed to Ced in Alaska

APG - 1945 Christmas card to Ced - inside

The message – “Hi Ced — The best of holiday greetings to you from two very happy civilians.”

The message inside their card to Grandpa – “We can’t let the rest of the family get too far ahead of us. The doctor tells us that we can expect our baby in July.”

Tomorrow, the card from 1946.

Judy Guion

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