Lad and Marian Guion’s Christmas Cards Throughout the Years – 1964

When Valerie, one of my followers, commented on how much she liked the old Christmas cards in a recent post, it led me on a trip down Memory Lane. I was reminded of the photo Christmas cards that were so popular during the 1940’s, 1950’s and 1960’s. I will be posting the Christmas Cards Marian and Lad sent out each year as their children grew up. Some of you will recognize this type of card, they may be unfamiliar to others. Enjoy them each day for the rest of the month.


APG - 1964 Christmas Card

Left to right: Greg, Lynn, Judy and Doug

Signed by Marian – “The Lad Guions”. I don’t seem to have any other pictures of this session. 

Doug and I graduated from high school the previous June. Doug went into the Army and I was away at college, so this was the last family picture Christmas Card that Lad and Marian sent to their friends and family. During Christmas in 1965, Doug was in the Army. In the summer of 1966 Lad and Marian moved to California with Lynn. Greg helped them move out there and then returned to Connecticut to enter the Army also. I remained in Connecticut to finish college. We had all begun our separate lives.

Tomorrow, one last Christmas Card. This is the final Christmas card that was sent out by the family after Grandpa passed away in September of 1964. He had been working on the design for several months and the family decided to finish it and send it out with Grandpa’s final words to family and friends.

Judy Guion

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